Assessing fatigue in children and adolescents: Psychometric validation of the German version of the PROMIS® Pediatric Short Form v2.0 - Fatigue 10a in school children and pediatric chronic pain patients
Evaluation des Kompetenzzentrums Kinderschutz im Gesundheitswesen NRW
Validation of the FACETS-OF-PPC as an Outcome Measure for Children with Severe Neurological Impairment and Their Families—A Multicenter Prospective Longitudinal Study
Chronic Pain in Schoolchildren and its Association With Psychological Wellbeing Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Unified Multifactorial Model of Parental Factors in Community-Based Pediatric Chronic Pain
The efficacy of an educational movie to improve pain and dysfunctional behavior in school children: A randomized controlled trial
The German version of the Revised Adolescent Sleep–Wake Scale (rASWS) – A validation study in pediatric pain patients and school children
Long‐term outcomes of children with severe chronic pain: Comparison of former patients with a community sample
Development and psychometric validation of the family-centered multidimensional outcome measure for pediatric palliative care targeted to children with severe neurological impairmentis—A multicenter prospective study